Dömötör Zénó István, Kovács Lóránt, Rajmund Drenyovszki, "Elektromos készülékek statisztikai paramétereinek becslése időpont alapján", GRADUS 4:(1) pp. 252-257. (2017)
Lorant Kovacs, Rajmund Drenyovszki, Andras Olah, Janos Levendovszky, Kalman Tornai, Istvan Pinter, "A probabilistic demand side management approach by consumption admission control", TEHNICKI VJESNIK-TECHNICAL GAZETTE 24:(1) pp. 199-207. (2017)
Zénó Dömötör, Lóránt Kovács, Rajmund Drenyovszki, "Estimation of statistical parameters of electric appliances based on time of day information", TEAM 2016: Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Expert Conference. 360 p., 2016. pp. 75-78. (ISBN:978-80-8096-237-1)
István Pintér, Lóránt Kovács, Rajmund Drenyovszki, András Oláh, Kálmán Tornai, "Jensen-Shannon divergence based algorithm for adaptive segmentation and labelling of household's electricity power consumption data series", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings: SMC 2016., 2016. pp. 1912-1916. (ISBN:978-1-5090-1897-0)
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lóránt Kovács, István Pintér, András Oláh, Kálmán Tornai, "On the convexity of Chernoff bound in the context of consumption admission control in smart grids", 2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST). 315 p. 2016. pp. 61-65. (ISBN:978-1-5090-3718-6)
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lorant Kovacs, Kalman Tornai, Andras Olah, Istvan Pinter, "Lower tail estimation with Chernoff bound and its application for balancing ecelctricity load by storage admission", GRADUS 3:(2) pp. 13-22. (2016)
Kálmán Tornai, Lóránt Kovács, András Oláh, Rajmund Drenyovszki, István Pintér, Dávid Tisza, János Levendovszky, "Classification for consumption data in smart grid based on forecasting time series", Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 141, December 2016, Pages 191-201
Lóránt Kovacs, Rajmund Drenyovszki, Andras Olah, Janos Levendovszky, Kalman Tornai, Istvan Pinter, "A probabilistic demand side management approach by consumption admission control", ArXiv e-printsarXiv:1608.00546.
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lorant Kovacs: "Appliance level modeling with Markov chains", Applied mathematical programming and Modelling (APMOD 2016), Brno, June 8-10, 2016
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lóránt Kovács, István Pintér, András Oláh, Kálmán Tornai, János Levendovszky: "Power system reliability assessment based on Large Deviation Theory bounds", IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2016), Leuven, Belgium, 04.04.2016-08.04.2016
Rajmund Drenyovszki: "Comparison of scheduling methods of flexible appliances in consumption admission control algorithm", In: 12th International Conference on Computational Management Science (CMS 2015): Book of abstracts. 70 p. Conference: Prague, Czech Republic, 27.05.2015-29.05.2015, p. 34.
Drenyovszki Rajmund, Csík Norbert, Csák Bence, Kovács Lóránt, Bársony Krisztián, Zsupányi Krisztián: "Smarty: A magyar fejlesztésű járművezérlő egység", A JÖVŐ JÁRMŰVE: JÁRMŰIPARI INNOVÁCIÓ 6:(1-2) pp. 48-51. (2014)
Istvan Pinter, Lorant Kovacs, Andras Olah, Rajmund Drenyovszki, David Tisza, Kalman Tornai: “On-line change point detection in household's electricity power consumption data series for smart grid applications“, Proceedings of TEAM 2014: 6th International Scientific and Expert Conference of the International TEAM Society. 499 p. Konferencia helye, ideje: Kecskemét, Magyarország, 2014.11.10 -2014.11.11. Kecskemét: Kecskeméti Főiskola Gépipari és Automatizálási Műszaki Főiskolai Kar, 2014. pp. 108-111. (ISBN:978-615-5192-22-7)
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lóránt Kovács, Bence Csák, Krisztián Bársony: “GPS based vehicle trajectory prediction and error analysis“, Proceedings of TEAM 2014: 6th International Scientific and Expert Conference of the International TEAM Society. 499 p. Konferencia helye, ideje: Kecskemét, Magyarország, 2014.11.10 -2014.11.11. Kecskemét: Kecskeméti Főiskola Gépipari és Automatizálási Műszaki Főiskolai Kar, 2014. pp. 134-140. (ISBN:978-615-5192-22-7)
Kálmán Tornai, Lóránt Kovács, András Oláh, Rajmund Drenyovszki, István Pintér, Dávid Tisza, János Levendovszky: “Novel consumer classification scheme for smart grids“, IEEE Germany Section Smart SysTech 2014, European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies . Konferencia helye, ideje: Dortmund , Németország , 2014.07.01 -2014.07.02. Berlin: VDE Verlag GmbH, 2014. pp. 1-8. (ISBN:978-3-8007-3626-3)
Istvan Pinter, Lorant Kovacs, Andras Olah, Rajmund Drenyovszki, David Tisza and Kalman Tornai: “Automatic Segmentation of Electricity Consumption Data Series with Jensen-Shannon Divergence“, IEEE International Energy Conference Energycon 2014, pp. 873-877, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2448-6, Dubrovnik, Croatia , May 13-16, 2014.
Lorant Kovacs, Janos Levendovszky, Andras Olah, Rajmund Drenyovszki, David Tisza, Kalman Tornai and Istvan Pinter: “A probabilistic approach for admission control of smart appliances in Smart Grids“, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific and Expert Conference TEAM 2013, pp. 18-21, November 4-6, Presov, Slovakia, 2013.
Istvan Pinter, Lorant Kovacs, Andras Olah, Rajmund Drenyovszki, David Tisza and Kalman Tornai: “Application of Jensen-Shannon divergence in Smart Grids“, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific and Expert Conference TEAM 2013, pp. 287-290, November 4-6, Presov, Slovakia, 2013.
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lorant Kovacs, Krisztian Barsony, Istvan Pinter and Bence Csak: “Statistical investigation of GPS-based localization of vehicles“, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific and Expert Conference TEAM 2013, pp. 291-294, November 4-6, Presov, Slovakia, 2013.
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lorant Kovacs, Andras Olah, David Tisza, Kalman Tornai, Zeno Domotor: “A Survey on Demand Side Management Techniques in Smart Grids“, Proceedings of Factory Automation, pp. 13-18, May 21-22, Veszprém, Hungary, 2013., ISBN: 978-615-5044-80-9
Drenyovszki, R.: Practical functional programming with F# under the .NET Framework, AGTEDU-TEAM 2010
Drenyovszki, R.: Távolságmértékek a fuzzy szabály-interpolációban, XIII. Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszaka, Kolozsvár, 2008. március 14-15, pp. 69-72.